ANTICO Federica (








Federica Antico is a Civil Engineer, born in Venice, Italy, on 31th December 1986. In April 2010 she acquired her Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Padua, Italy. Furthermore, she specialized in Hydraulic Engineering through two years Master Studies program in Civil Engineering. In April 2013 she successfully completed her Master studies, writing a thesis entitled “Sediment Dynamics in the Venice Lagoon”. The main aim of her work was to analyze the sediment transport processes occurring in the Venice Lagoon, due to the combined effect of tidal currents and wind waves.

In January 2014, she passed the Government Exam and she was officially licensed as an Italian Professional Civil Engineer.

In March 2014, she entered the Marie Curie Initial Training Network “SEDITRANS”, as a PhD Candidate at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal. Her project concerns experimental characterization of the interaction between near-bed turbulence, bedload transport processes and bed structures in complex non-uniform channels. The methodology primarily consists of an experimental work (PIV characterization of 3D turbulent open-channel flows mobile beds composed of poorly sorted gravel-sand mixtures), analysis of laboratory data and production of a depth-averaged 2DH closure model for the transport of poorly-sorted sediment mixtures in non-uniform channels.

View here her CV.