Guillermo Oyarzun ( guillermo@cttc.ucp.edu )

Dr. Guillermo Oyarzun is a post-doc researcher of the SEDITRANS project (Marie Curie ITN) in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Patras.  He obtained his PhD at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), where He currently collaborates as external researcher in the Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Center (CTTC). His scientific activity has been developed in the fields of Computer Science applied to Computational Fluid Dynamics, with a focus on the development of new numerical methods and software tools for the emerging technologies in High Performance Computing (HPC). In recent years, He has taken part in several projects funded in competitive calls from the Spanish supercomputing network (RES), the Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET), and the pan-European institution PRACE, which runs the most powerful supercomputers in Europe. The  purpose of most of these projects has been the simulation of some physical phenomena of scientific interest.
At the SEDITRANS project, his work has been oriented in to the parallelization of a legacy Fortran 90 code for the simulation of coastal flows (simuCoast). The code has been re-factored by introducing a domain decomposition strategy that uses the MPI protocol for the communication episodes, and a shared memory paradigm (OpenMP) for some explicit parts of the code. The work also considered the development of parallel linear solvers, and particularly on solvers for the discrete Poisson equation obtained from problems with one or two periodic directions.

View here his CV.