LAUNAY Marina (








Dr. Marina Launay graduated in Water Sciences and Technology from the École Polytechnique Universitaire of Montpellier (France) in 2010. After joining the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture (Irstea) in Lyon (France), she obtained in January 2014 a Doctorate of hydraulic and environmental chemistry on the topic of fluxes of suspended particulate matters and associated PCBs and mercury in the Rhône river, from lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea. In August 2014 she started working as a research and design engineer at Stucky SA, Renens, Switzerland. She is involved in the SEDITRANS project as an experienced researcher to conduct engineering applications on fluvial hydraulics. She will test and validate models for fluvial problems involving complex morphologies and sediment transport developed in the SEDITRANS project, in real engineering problems. In connection with the academic partners, she will elaborate operational guidelines for preventive measures against reservoir sedimentation.

View here her CV.