LEONARDI Alessandro (leonardi@idrostudi.it)

Alessandro Leonardi recently obtained his PhD from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. His activity was fully funded by the European Union through the Marie-Curie action Mumolade (www.mumolade.com). Alessandro carried on his research activity at ETH under the supervision of Prof. Herrmann, working on the simulation of debris flow and related phenomena, and in collaboration with Itasca Consultants GmbH (Germany). The work was mainly numerical, with focus on the coupling of different computational methods to tackle the complexity of debris materials, and their interaction with structures and defense systems. Previously, Alessandro studied in Italy, where he graduated in Civil Engineering from the University of Padua, with a specialization in Structural Engineering. For his master thesis, he worked on a fluid-structure interaction problem, in the context of a wind energy application.

Alessandro is currently working at Idrostudi Srl (Trieste, Italy) on a similar topic within another European project, Seditrans. Here, he is developing a software package, based on a research code from the University of Trieste, for the simulation of sediment transport and erosion problems. The final goal is to obtain a tool applicable to real cases in river and coastal engineering. The work is carried on in collaboration with the group of Prof. Vincenzo Armenio of the University of Trieste.

View here his CV.